Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Feudal System: Japan's vs. Europe's

The Japanese had a similar but different feudal system when compared to the Europeans feudal system. They both had the same structure of a pyramid.
The Europeans feudal system was one that you would probably expect. At the bottom of the pyramid was the peasants while at the top you had the king. Right below the king were the nobles who were basically the assistants to the kings and queens and they were highly respected people in society. Below the nobles and above the peasants was a very important group the knights. Knights were men, normally born into some type of nobility of high middle class family, and they were trained from a young age to be a knight. Knights were known for their code of chivalry that they followed. Chivalry is the term used to describe the code of conduct in which knights were to follow and it included the ideas of knightly virtues, honor, and courtly love. That was the basic structure of the feudal system in Europe at the time, at the bottom peasants, one step up knights, then nobles, and at the very top kings. But their was one more group even more powerful than the kings and queens that was their and this was religion. By religion we mean God, and that everyone in the feudal system believed strongly in religion and looked up to God for everything. So you could say that God ruled over everything even though you cant physically see or touch him they believed he was there.
The Japanese feudal system was very similar to the European feudal system. At the bottom of the pyramid was the peasants just like the Europeans had. At the top was the shogun, which is basically equivalent to a general. Below the shogun was the daimyo. The daimyo was basically the same thing as a lord like in the European feudal system. Once again there was a very important group below the daimyo and above the peasants. This group was the Samurai. The Samurai were fierce warriors and their job in society was to protect the daimyo and the showgun but even more than that the emperor. The emperor was like God in European feudal times but in Japan the emperor was a real person and not a realistic figure. In Japan everyone looked up to the emperor and would do anything to protect the emperor and show their respect to him. The Samurai like knights followed a code of conduct but their code was called bushido and its meaning is way of the warrior. The central point of bushido was to show complete loyalty towards the lord, the daimyo.
As you can see Japanese feudal system was almost the same and European feudal system there was just a couple changes in name and in like code of conduct and worship.

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